Jesus before the high council

The high council pronounced Jesus guilty of blasphemy and condemned Him to death. The fact that He claimed to be the Son of God was interpreted as blasphemy.


During Jesus' trial before the high council, Peter denied that he knew Jesus and that he was a disciple of Jesus (Luke 22: 54-62). Christ also suffered on account of this denial by Peter. Nevertheless the Lord did not reject Peter.


After Jesus had been condemned to death, Judas Iscariot regretted his betrayal and wanted to give the 30 pieces of silver back to the high priests: "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood" (Matthew 27: 1-5). Since the high priests did not want to accept the money, he threw it into the temple, went away, and hanged himself. From his words it can be concluded that Judas did not want Christ to die. Although his betrayal fulfilled the Scriptures (Matthew 27: 9-10; Jeremiah 32: 9; Zechariah 11: 12-13), this does not absolve him from responsibility for his actions.