3.5.1 The Holy Spirit as a divine person

From the beginning, God has revealed Himself to mankind (see 1.1→). Already during the creation, God speaks and acts as a person. Personhood is part of God's nature (see 3.2.4→) and is revealed in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit speaks and reigns, and is addressed and worshipped. He too is "Lord" (2 Corinthians 3: 17).


The Holy Spirit possesses divine majesty. Apostle Peter's remarks in Acts 5: 3-4 make it clear that anyone who lies to the Holy Spirit is lying to God. That the Holy Spirit is a person becomes clear from the fact that He sends human beings to proclaim the gospel (Acts 13: 4), that He can communicate with the human spirit (Romans 8: 16), and that He intercedes before God on behalf of those who pray (Romans 8: 26).


The activity of the Holy Spirit is clearly revealed

  • in the incarnation of Jesus Christ,
  • in the divine revelations of the past and present,
  • in the sending and activity of the Apostles,
  • in the sacraments,
  • in the word of preaching, particularly in keeping alive the promise of Jesus Christ's return.