A church in which people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves for His return and eternal life


  • Reaching out to all people in order to teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ and to baptise them with water and the Holy Spirit
  • Providing soul care and cultivating a warm fellowship in which everyone shall experience the love of God and the joy of serving Him and others

Church is so much more than an organisation comprised of like-minded people. Church is where faith comes to live because church builds the structures necessary for congregational life.


As a community that spans the entire globe, the New Apostolic Church numbers over nine million members in some 200 countries. It is comprised of legally independent Local Churches all under one “roof” consisting of a uniform doctrine and shared leadership boards. The operations of the Church’s institutions and its humanitarian activities are financed by the voluntary contributions of its members.