7.2 Source of ministry in the church

The spiritual ministry is founded upon the sending of Jesus Christ by the Father. Jesus is King, Priest, and Prophet (see 3.4.7→). As the One sent by His Father, He was authorised, blessed, and sanctified for the redemption of mankind.


Already in the old covenant there were forerunners to the ministry in the church. Nevertheless, there is a considerable difference between the ministry of the old covenant and that of the new covenant. Concerning this, Hebrews 8: 6 states: "But now He [Jesus] has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant ..."


Through the calling and sending of the Apostles, Jesus instituted the ministry for His church.


The church of Jesus Christ was revealed in its historical manifestation on Pentecost. It was also at this point in time that the ministry began to take effect within the church. The ministry itself had already been given by Jesus Christ to His Apostles beforehand, however. He authorised, blessed, sanctified, and equipped them with the gift of the Holy Spirit (John 20: 21-23). The Apostles are those who have been sent by Jesus.