8.1.6 The effects of Holy Baptism with water

Through Holy Baptism with water, a person who believes in Jesus Christ and professes Him is incorporated into the church of Christ and thereby has fellowship with Jesus Christ. Holy Baptism with water performed in the name of the Trinity is a binding element among Christians.


Holy Baptism with water–similar to circumcision in the old covenant–is a mark of the covenant. Through it, a human being is adopted into the new covenant and can then receive further marks of the covenant: access to Holy Sealing is open to those who are baptised. Those baptised in the New Apostolic Church are entitled to partake regularly in Holy Communion.


The baptised shares in the death of Jesus Christ and in His new life. Seen in a spiritual sense, he partakes in the experience of Jesus Christ. Just as Christ died on the cross for the sins of mankind, so the baptised is to be "dead indeed to sin" by renouncing it. Baptism incorporates the believer into Christ's activity of redemption such that Christ's death on Golgotha also becomes the "death" of the baptised: this signifies the end of life in the condition of remoteness from God and the beginning of life in Christ. Baptism imparts powers to wage the battle against sin (Romans 6: 3-8; Colossians 2: 12-13).


Baptism is "putting on Christ". With it, the first step on the path to renewal of the inner man has been taken: "For as many of you as were baptised into Christ have put on Christ" (Galatians 3: 27). This image constitutes the basis for abandoning one's old way of life and "putting on" the virtues of Christ. It describes that which comes to expression in the term "repentance", namely the act of turning away from one's old nature and turning to the Lord. This means that one must earnestly endeavour to lead one's life in accordance with God's will. The baptised person vows to conduct and organise his life under the regency of Christ.