6 The church of Jesus Christ

365 What does the term “church” mean in general?


The term “church” has three different meanings in general usage. On the one hand, it is used in reference to a Christian place of worship (e.g. the local parish) in which the believers gather for divine service. Another meaning of “church” refers to the congregation in a particular place. Beyond that, “church” can be used in reference to a Christian community (denomination), for example the New Apostolic Church or the Catholic Church.

‘Denomination’, derived from the Latin denominatio, (“identification”, “naming”), is a non-judgemental term for a religious community.

366 What does “church” mean with respect to faith?


In reference to faith the term “church” does not refer primarily to the church building, but to the institution that has the function of imparting salvation in Christ to human beings. Those people who belong to the church are called to have eternal fellowship with God.


Beyond that, “church” denotes the fellowship of the believers with the triune God already in the present, in that He turns to the believers, who bring Him worship and praise, in word and sacrament. In the church, the believers have fellowship with one another. The focal point of church life is the divine service.

367 Is church necessary?


Yes. Church is necessary for being a Christian, because it is only there that we hear the word of God, receive the sacraments, and experience fellowship with God and with one another. As a whole, these elements are indispensable for attaining salvation. Without church this is impossible for human beings.


Salvation: see Questions 243→248→

368 Who established the church?


Jesus Christ established the church. He not only left instructions, but rather also created an institution for imparting salvation, namely His church. It thus has its source in the Son of God who came to the earth and worked among human beings as a human being Himself: He called human beings to follow Him as His disciples, preached, performed miracles, forgave sins, and promised and sent the Holy Spirit.


The person and deed of Jesus Christ are fundamental prerequisites for the existence of the church.

369 Who is the “head” of the church of Jesus Christ?


Jesus Christ is the “head” of His church.

370 What are the functions of the church of Jesus Christ?


The church of Jesus Christ has two functions. The first is to make salvation and eternal fellowship with God available to human beings. Its second function is to allow human beings to bring adoration and praise to God.

371 Is there a difference between the church of Jesus Christ and the New Apostolic Church?


Yes, there is a difference. The one church of Jesus Christ is revealed in varying ways and to varying degrees in the New Apostolic Church and in the other Christian churches.

See also Question 386→

372 With what actions did Jesus Christ establish the church?


Jesus Christ established the church through the following significant actions: He

  • gathered disciples (cf. Mark 1: 16 et seq.),
  • preached about the kingdom of God (cf. Mark 1: 14-15),
  • elected the Apostles (cf. Luke 6: 12-16),
  • instituted the Petrine office (cf. Matthew 16: 18),
  • celebrated Holy Communion for the first time (cf. Matthew 26: 20-29),
  • brought His sacrifice on Good Friday (cf. Matthew 27: 50),
  • resurrected from the dead on Easter (cf. Matthew 28: 1 et seq.),
  • gave the Apostles the commission to proclaim the gospel and baptise in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (cf. Matthew 28: 19-20),
  • sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost (cf. Acts 2: 1 et seq.).

373 Are there references to the church of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament?


Yes, the Old Testament contains references to the church of Christ, for example:

  • the ark: within it, Noah and his family found deliverance from the great flood. The ark served to deliver Noah and His family. Similarly, the church of Christ serves for the deliverance of the sinner (cf. 1 Peter 3: 20-21).
  • The Ten Commandments which Moses received on Mount Sinai: in these the will of God comes to expression. This was proclaimed to the assembled people of Israel through Moses, the servant of God. In the church of Christ, the divine will is proclaimed to an assembly of people, namely the congregation, through the preaching of the gospel.

374 How is the church of Jesus Christ described in the New Testament?


The New Testament uses various images and examples to describe the nature of the church of Jesus Christ. The “body of Christ” is one of the most important images for the church. In this image, the church is compared with a body: “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ” (Romans 12: 4, 5).

375 What does the image of the body of Christ mean?


The image of the body of Christ refers to all those who belong to Jesus Christ because they are baptised, believe in Him, and profess Him as their Lord. Just as the members of the body belong to a single organism, so all the baptised belong to the church of Jesus Christ.

376 What parallel is there between the church and the person of Jesus Christ?


Jesus Christ has two natures. These are also reflected in the church.

Whenever we speak of the two natures of Jesus, we mean that Jesus Christ is both true God and true Man at the same time. This can also be seen in examples from His life: when He brought the dead man Lazarus back to life, He did so as true God (cf. John 11: 43-47). As true Man, He suffered from hunger and thirst, for example, just like any other human being (cf. John 4: 7).

The divine nature of Jesus was invisible, while His human nature was visible.


It is the same with the church: it has an invisible side and a visible side. As with the two natures of Jesus Christ, both of these are inseparably linked with one another.


The two natures of Christ: see Questions 103→ et seq.

377 How do we experience the invisible side of the church of Jesus Christ?


Among other things, we experience the invisible side of the church in its effects of salvation. These are invisible to human beings and can only be grasped in faith.

For example, we experience effects of salvation

  • when God forgives sins,
  • when original sin is washed away through baptism,
  • when God grants the gift of the Holy Spirit,
  • when the body and blood of Christ are given in Holy Communion,
  • when the sacraments are dispensed to the departed,
  • when acts of blessing (confirmations, ordinations, etc.) are performed,
  • when God acts through the human words of the sermon,
  • when the blessing of God is laid upon the congregation.

378 How do we experience the visible side of the church of Jesus Christ?


Among other things, we experience the visible side of the church when human beings act in the church. This is perceptible, for example,

  • when people profess Jesus Christ,
  • when divine services are celebrated,
  • when water is consecrated for baptism and the act of baptism is performed,
  • when the ministers consecrate bread and wine for Holy Communion and dispense Holy Communion,
  • when the Apostles lay their hands upon believers and perform the act of Holy Sealing,
  • when the ministers preach,
  • when people pray,
  • when charity is practised.

379 Is the invisible side of the church of Jesus Christ perfect?


Yes, the invisible side of the church of Jesus Christ is perfect. In this way it corresponds to the divine nature of Jesus Christ. The magnitude, measure, and perfection of the church of Jesus Christ is unimaginable for us human beings and cannot even be completely grasped by the believers.

380 Is the visible side of the church of Jesus Christ perfect?


No, the visible side of the church of Jesus Christ is not perfect. After all, the people at work within it did not always show the love, compassion, truthfulness, and kindness of Jesus.

The church is run by sinful human beings who are prone to error. It is for this reason that the same mistakes, deficiencies, and blunders inherent in mankind are also to be found in the church.

It is here that the visible side of the church fundamentally differs from the human nature of Jesus. In contrast to the visible side of the church, which is deficient, Jesus Christ was also perfect and sinless in His human nature.

381 What are the identifying features of the church of Jesus Christ?


The church of Christ—both in its visible side as well as its invisible side—has these four distinguishing features: oneness, holiness, universality, and apostolicity. These identifying features of the church are called the ‘notae ecclesiae’.

382 What do we mean when we talk about the “oneness of the church of Jesus Christ”?


The church is one because there is only the one God. The church testifies of the oneness of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who works within it. Jesus specifically referred to the oneness of His followers and the love they bear one another as distinguishing features of those who belong to Him. It is in this way that the nature of God is manifest in the church: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 John 4: 16).


Trinity: see Questions 61→ et seq.

383 What do we mean when we talk about the “holiness of the church of Jesus Christ”?


The church is holy because the triune God is holy. He is active in word and sacrament in the church of Christ.

384 What do we mean when we talk about the “universality of the church of Jesus Christ”?


The church of Christ is universal because God is there for all human beings, both living and dead. There are no limits to the proclamation of the gospel.

385 What do we mean when we talk about the “apostolicity of the church of Jesus Christ”?


The church is apostolic because apostolic doctrine is proclaimed within it and because the apostolic ministry is at work within it.

386 Where are the four characteristics of the church of Jesus Christ manifest?


The four characteristics of the church of Jesus Christ—oneness, holiness, universality, and apostolicity—are manifest in different ways and to varying degrees in the various Christian denominations.

These identifying features of the church of Jesus Christ are most clearly manifest where the Apostles are at work: they dispense the three sacraments to the living and the dead and proclaim the word of God with emphasis on the imminent return of Christ. It is here that the Lord’s work of redemption is established.

The term ‘Lord’s work of redemption’ is generally understood in reference to Jesus’ saving act, which has already been completed. When this term is used here, it refers to that part of the church in which Apostles are active in imparting those gifts of salvation that serve to the preparation of the firstlings, the bride of Christ.

387 What tasks are fulfilled in the Lord’s work of redemption?


In the Lord’s work of redemption, Jesus Christ prepares His bridal congregation for His imminent return through Apostles. Today these tasks are fulfilled by the Apostles who work in the New Apostolic Church.


Preparation of the bridal congregation: see Questions 214→402→562→ et seq.