7 Ministry

411 What do we understand by the term 'ministry'? →


412 What is a spiritual ministry? →


413 What is the source of the spiritual ministry? →


414 Were there any references to the spiritual ministry in the Old Testament? →


415 What do we mean by “authorisation” for a spiritual ministry? →


416 What do we mean by “blessing” for a spiritual ministry? →


417 What do we mean by “sanctification” for a spiritual ministry? →


418 What do we mean when we talk about “ministrations” in the church of Jesus Christ? →


419 What distinguishes ministrations in the church of Jesus Christ from the spiritual ministry? →


420 Are ministrations also exercised without ordination in the New Apostolic Church? →


421 Which ministry was instituted by Jesus Christ? →


422 When did the activity of the Apostle ministry begin in the church? →


423 What does the word 'Apostle' mean? →


424 What commission did Jesus Christ give to the Apostles? →


425 By what authority do the bearers of the Apostle ministry act? →


426 What designations are there in the New Testament for the Apostle ministry? →


427 What is meant by the term “the ministry of the new covenant”? →


428 What is meant by the term “the ministry of the Spirit”? →


429 What is meant by the term “the ministry of righteousness”? →


430 What is meant by the term “the ministry of reconciliation”? →


431 What is meant by the term “the ministry of the word”? →


432 How else are the Apostles described? →


433 What is another important characteristic of the Apostle ministry? →


434 Who sent the Apostles? →


435 What were the names of the first twelve Apostles? →


436 Were there any other Apostles besides these during the beginnings of the church? →


437 Was any of the Apostles given a special position? →


438 How did this special position of Apostle Peter manifest itself after the ascension of the Lord? →


439 What New Testament text describes the activity of the Apostles in the greatest detail? →


440 According to the New Testament, who dispensed the gift of the Holy Spirit? →


441 What were the other important tasks of the Apostles? →


442 What expectation comprised the central point of apostolic proclamation already at that time? →


443 What was the first ministry to come out of the Apostle ministry? →


444 What follows from these actions of the Apostles? →


445 Did other ministries proceed from the Apostle ministry? →


446 How were the congregations cared for after the death of the early Apostles? →


447 Did the Apostle ministry cease to exist after the death of the early Apostles? →


448 How long did this interruption in the activity of Apostles last? →


449 Why was the activity of the Apostles interrupted? →


450 When was the Apostle ministry occupied again? →


451 Is there any difference in spiritual authority between the Apostle ministry at the beginning and the Apostle ministry at the end of God’s work of redemption? →


452. What ministerial levels and ministries are there in the New Apostolic Church? →


453 What are the duties of the apostolate? →


454 From where does the authority of the Apostle ministry derive? →


455 What is the objective of the activity of the Apostles? →


456 Has the Apostle ministry been given for the whole church of Christ? →


457 What is the foundation of the Chief Apostle ministry? →


458 Why is the Chief Apostle ministry also called the “ministry of the rock”? →


459 What are the duties of the Chief Apostle? →


460 What are the duties of the District Apostle? →


461 Who is it that calls a minister to a spiritual ministry? →


462 What is meant by the term 'ordination'? →


463 How is the ordination performed? →


464 What transpires during the ordination? →


465 What duties are assumed at ordination? →


466 How should a spiritual ministry be discharged? →


467 When does the ministerial commission end? →


468 What is the duty of all ministers? →


469 What are the duties of the priestly ministers? →


470 What is the task of the Deacons? →


471 What is an appointment? →