heaven (2)

3.4.13 Jesus Christ as the head of the church→

3.4.14 Jesus Christ as the head of the creation→

3.5.2 The Holy Spirit as a power–the gift of the Holy Spirit→ The power from on high→

4.1.2 Evil as a person→ Mankind in sin→ Faith→

4.4 God's plan of salvation→ The wording→ The prohibition against worshipping other gods→ The prohibition of images→ God's name→ From Sabbath to Sunday→

6.1 Concerning the term "church"→ The city of God→ The kingdom of God→ The flock of God→

6.4.5 The church of Jesus Christ and the future→

6.5 The church of Jesus Christ and the churches as institutions→

7.4.1 Characteristics of the Apostle ministry→

7.4.3 Peter–the head of the early Apostles→

7.6.6 The Chief Apostle ministry→

8.2.2 Old Testament references to Holy Communion→

8.2.8 Holy Communion as a meal of remembrance→

8.2.11 Holy Communion as an eschatological meal→

8.3.3 Jesus' anointing with the Holy Spirit→

8.3.9 The effects of Holy Sealing→

10.1 The return of Jesus Christ→

10.1.1 The promise of the return of Jesus Christ→

10.1.2 Events associated with the return of Jesus Christ→

10.2 The marriage of the Lamb→

10.4 The coming of the Lord with power and great glory→

12.1.5 Divine service as an encounter with God→ The proclamation of the word in the New Testament→ Levels within the proclamation of the word→ The Lord's Prayer in divine service→ "Our Father in heaven"→ "Your kingdom come"→ "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"→ "Give us this day our daily bread"→

12.5.5 Ascension Day→

12.5.6 Pentecost→

13.1.2 Jesus teaches prayer→

13.2.2 Jesus Christ–the model of willingness to sacrifice→



2.4.2 The Second Article of Faith→

3.1.4 God, the Almighty→


high priest Jesus Christ–the Priest→

3.4.12 The ascension of Jesus Christ→

9.6.2 The participation of the dead in Christ→


High Priest Jesus Christ–the Priest→

7.3.1 Old Testament references→

7.4.1 Characteristics of the Apostle ministry→

8.2.15 Holy Communion and the Apostle ministry→



2.4.3 The Third Article of Faith→

2.4.5 The Fifth Article of Faith→

3.1.3 God, the Holy One→ Forms of taking the name of God in vain→

6.3 The church of Jesus Christ–a mystery→ The church is "holy"→

6.5 The church of Jesus Christ and the churches as institutions→

7.7 Ordination→


Holy Baptism with water

1.4.2 Belief in God, the Son→

2.3 The early church creeds and their significance for the New Apostolic Church→

2.4.3 The Third Article of Faith

2.4.4 The Fourth Article of Faith→

2.4.6 The Sixth Article of Faith→

2.4.8 The Eighth Article of Faith→

3.5 God, the Holy Spirit→ Conscience→ The church of Jesus Christ after the death of the early Apostles→

6.4.4 The church of Jesus Christ and the sacraments→

7.9.1 The priestly ministries→

7.10 Appointments→

8 The sacraments→

8.1 Holy Baptism with water→

8.1.2 The biblical basis for Holy Baptism with water→ Old Testament references to Holy Baptism with water→ Holy Baptism with water in the New Testament→

8.1.3 The necessity of Holy Baptism with water for salvation→ Holy Baptism with water as an act of God→

8.1.4 The proper dispensation of Holy Baptism with water→

8.1.5 Prerequisites for receiving Holy Baptism with water→

8.1.6 The effects of Holy Baptism with water→

8.1.7 Faith and Holy Baptism with water→

8.1.8 Holy Baptism with water and Holy Sealing→

8.1.9 Holy Baptism with water and following Christ→

8.1.10 Holy Baptism with water and the Apostle ministry→

8.2.20 The effects of Holy Communion→

8.2.21 Eligibility for partaking in Holy Communion→

8.3.3 Jesus' anointing with the Holy Spirit→

8.3.5 Further attestations of Holy Sealing in the New Testament→

8.3.8 Holy Sealing as an act of God→

8.3.9 The effects of Holy Sealing→

9.5 The condition of souls in the beyond→

9.6.3 Imparting salvation to the departed→

11.2 Christianity after the death of the early Apostles→ Fellowship→

12.1.9 Dispensation of the sacraments in the divine service→

12.1.11 Acts of blessing in the sequence of the divine service→

12.1.13 Divine services for the departed→


Holy Communion

2.4.5 The Fifth Article of Faith→

2.4.7 The Seventh Article of Faith→ Jesus and His Apostles→ The activity of the Holy Spirit in the sacraments→

5.2.1 Love for God→ Keeping Sunday holy–in divine service→

6.2.1 Old Testament references to the church of Jesus Christ→

6.2.2 The beginning of the church of Christ→ The church of Jesus Christ after the death of the early Apostles→

6.4.4 The church of Jesus Christ and the sacraments→

7.4.1 Characteristics of the Apostle ministry→

7.6.2 The function of the apostolate→

7.6.5 The Apostles in the church of Jesus Christ→

7.6.7 The District Apostle ministry→

7.9.1 The priestly ministries→

7.10 Appointments→

8 The sacraments→

8.1.6 The effects of Holy Baptism with water→

8.2 Holy Communion→

8.2.1 Designations for the sacrament→

8.2.2 Old Testament references to Holy Communion→

8.2.4 The Passover meal→

8.2.5 The institution of Holy Communion by Jesus Christ→

8.2.6 Holy Communion in the first epistle to the Corinthians→

8.2.8 Holy Communion as a meal of remembrance→

8.2.9 Holy Communion as a meal of profession→

8.2.10 Holy Communion as a meal of fellowship→

8.2.11 Holy Communion as an eschatological meal→

8.2.12 The real presence of the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion→

8.2.13 The real presence of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion→

8.2.14 The relationship between forgiveness of sins and Holy Communion→

8.2.15 Holy Communion and the Apostle ministry→

8.2.16 The words of consecration in Holy Communion→

8.2.17 The celebration and receiving of Holy Communion→

8.2.18 The prerequisites for partaking in Holy Communion→

8.2.19 The manner in which Holy Communion is received→

8.2.20 The effects of Holy Communion→

8.2.21 Eligibility for partaking in Holy Communion→

8.2.22 Communion celebrations of the churches→

8.3.6 The proper dispensation of Holy Sealing→

8.3.8 Holy Sealing as an act of God→

9.5 The condition of souls in the beyond→

9.6.3 Imparting salvation to the departed→

12.1.3 Divine service in the New Testament→

12.1.5 Divine service as an encounter with God→ Breaking of bread→ Fellowship→ Prayer→ Levels within the proclamation of the word→ "Give us this day our daily bread"→

12.1.9 Dispensation of the sacraments in the divine service→

12.1.11 Acts of blessing in the sequence of the divine service→

12.1.12 Ordinations, appointments, reinstatements, retirements→

12.1.13 Divine services for the departed→

12.1.14 Music in the divine service→ Sunday School→

12.4.3 The pastoral care visit→ Caring for the terminally ill and dying→

12.5.4 Easter→

12.5.8 Structure of divine services on religious holy days→

13.1.5 The prayer of New Apostolic Christians→


holy day The Sabbath in Israel→


Holy Scripture

1.1.4 God reveals Himself in the time of the church→

1.2 Holy Scripture→

1.2.1 Content and structure of Holy Scripture→

1.2.5 The significance of Holy Scripture for doctrine and faith→ Interpretation of Holy Scripture through the Holy Spirit→ Personal use of the Holy Scriptures→

1.3 Present-day revelations of the Holy Spirit→

1.4.1 Belief in God, the Father→

2.3 The early church creeds and their significance for the New Apostolic Church→

2.4 The New Apostolic Creed→

3.2 God–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit→

3.3.1 God, the Creator→ The invisible creation→ The angels→ The visible creation→

3.4.3 Jesus Christ, true Man and true God→

3.4.6 Majestic titles of Jesus→ Immanuel–Servant of God–Son of David→

3.4.11 The resurrection of Jesus Christ→

3.5 God, the Holy Spirit→

3.5.3 Evidence of the Holy Spirit's activity in the time of the Old Testament→ The activity of the Holy Spirit in the Apostle ministry→

4.1.2 Evil as a person→

4.2 The fall into sin→ Conscience→ Reason→

4.3.1 Sin→

4.4 God's plan of salvation→

4.4.3 The preparation of the bridal congregation→

4.8 The law and the gospel→ The church is "apostolic"→

6.5 The church of Jesus Christ and the churches as institutions→

7.3 Biblical foundation→

7.4.2 Equipping and sending of the Apostles→

9 Life after death→

9.1 The immortality of the soul→

9.2 Death→

9.6.2 The participation of the dead in Christ→

10 The doctrine of future things→

10.3 The great tribulation→

10.5 The first resurrection→

12.1.2 Divine service in the Old Testament→ The proclamation of the word today→

12.5.4 Easter→

13.1.1 Prayers in the Old Testament→